I am unable to make my angular 5 app work in WAMP server. I have read many other stack overflow posts and tried a few options.
Steps to produce dist folder :
step 1 - ng build --prod --base-href "/dist/".
step 2 : Copy the dist/* files to DOCUMENT_ROOT.
dist in root folder
enter image description here
step 3 - restarted WAMP server
Step 4 - localhost . dist folder shows in WAMP
enter image description here
step 5 :localhost/dist and localhost/dist/index.html - nothing works
step 6: I changed base href to "/dist/" and restarted WAMP - This opened index file Dint work
step 7 - based on deployment method given in angular site -https://angular.io/guide/deployment#routed-apps-must-fallback-to-indexhtml
i created .htaccess file and copied the following code and have put the file in the dist folder enter image description here
enter image description here
Still routing not working . Please please help. struggling with this for last 3 days !