how do i hide variables depending on other variables values in the unity inspector. Basically imagine this: if i had a bool called "CanSprint" and a float "SprintSpeed" so i want to make it so that when the bool is true, the float is showing, but when the bool is false, the float hides. This is just to be a little bit neater. Thanks!
You need to look into custom editor scripts (, using a custom editor script you can show variables whenever you like. Here's a layout using the information from the links:
public class MyEditorClass : Editor
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
// If we call base the default inspector will get drawn too.
// Remove this line if you don't want that to happen.
MyBehaviourClass myBehaviour = target as MyBehaviourClass;
target.myBool = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("myBool", target.myBool);
if (target.myBool)
target.someFloat = EditorGUILayout.FloatField ("Some Float:", target.someFloat);
Be sure to stick this script in the 'Editor' folder, change 'MyBehaviourClass' to your class type, change 'someFloat' to your float and 'myBool' to your boolean variable.