Help me please!
I am having this error.
Error: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (world.alarmes, CONSTRAINT fk_alarmes_registos1 FOREIGN KEY (idRegisto) REFERENCES registos (idRegisto) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION)
I have these tables.
CREATE TABLE `registos` (
`data_registo` char(10) NOT NULL,
`hora_registo` time NOT NULL,
`idSensor` varchar(8) NOT NULL,
`Temperatura` char(6) DEFAULT NULL,
`Humidade` char(6) DEFAULT NULL,
`pt_orvalho` char(6) DEFAULT NULL,
`idRegisto` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
PRIMARY KEY (`idRegisto`,`idSensor`,`data_registo`,`hora_registo`),
KEY `fk_registos_sensores1_idx` (`idSensor`),
CONSTRAINT `fk_registos_sensores1` FOREIGN KEY (`idSensor`) REFERENCES `sensores` (`idSensor`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
CREATE TABLE `alarmes` (
`idAlarme` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`descricao_alarme` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
`data_criacao` datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
`idRegisto` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''0'',
PRIMARY KEY (`idAlarme`,`idRegisto`),
KEY `fk_alarmes_registos1_idx` (`idRegisto`),
CONSTRAINT `fk_alarmes_registos1` FOREIGN KEY (`idRegisto`) REFERENCES `registos` (`idRegisto`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
When I do an insert into the table records the error pops up.
insert into registos values ('2014-03-31', '14:03:32', 'BrgTH032', '22.3', '45.3', '9.9', '32');
If I do this:
the next insertion already accepted, but when I try again. back to give the same error.
I've been researching and fails because the registos table references a foreign key from the sensores table. You can't directly insert into a relational table without there being a corresponding entry in the table that is being referenced.
But I don't know how to resolve this.
Help me please.
-------EDIT( I used a trigger to populate the table Alarmes)------------------------
create TRIGGER alerta
Set @tempmax=0;
Set @tempmin=0;
select lim_inf_temp, lim_sup_temp into @tempmin, @tempmax from sensores where idSensor=NEW.idSensor;
Set @maxidAlarme=0;
if (CAST(NEW.Temperatura AS UNSIGNED)<@tempmin) then
SELECT MAX(idAlarme) into @maxidAlarme FROM alarmes;
SET @maxidAlarme=@maxidAlarme+1;
INSERT INTO alarmes(idAlarme,descricao_alarme, idRegisto) VALUES (@maxidAlarme,"temperatura inserida inferior ao normal",New.idRegisto);
end if;
if (CAST(NEW.Temperatura AS UNSIGNED)>@tempmax) then
SELECT MAX(idAlarme) into @maxidAlarme FROM alarmes;
SET @maxidAlarme=@maxidAlarme+1;
INSERT INTO alarmes(idAlarme,descricao_alarme, idRegisto) VALUES (@maxidAlarme,"temperatura inserida superior ao normal",New.idRegisto);
end if;
end $$;