I am using PayPal buttons and would like to insert a record into the database via an AJAX call (or any other method that works) before the button redirects the user to PayPal.
I have looked at similar questions/answers but can't get them to work. They either redirect to PayPal or insert a database record...but not both.
Similiar questions:
Submit form values before paypal, PayPal Button submitting a form and triggering an Ajax call at the same time?, AJAX request before regular form is being submitted
This is my form:
<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_top" name="paypalform" id="paypalform">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
<input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="XXXXXXXXXXXX">
<button type="submit" class="radius paypal-button" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!">Buy Now!
<img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1">
This is my javascript:
$('paypalform').submit(function(e) {
e.returnValue = false;
var $form = $(this);
url: 'ajax.create_sponsorship.php',
data: 'XXXXXX',
dataType: 'json',
context: $form,
complete: function() {
The PHP file, ajax.create_sponsorship.php, return either TRUE (if insert was successful) or FALSE.
When using the code above the broswer successfully redirects to PayPal but does not insert record into database.
If I change the first line to this:
$('#paypalform').submit(function(e) {
Basically, adding the # - then the database record gets inserted but it doesn't redirect to PayPal.