So, I'm trying to get a few movieclips to follow it's precursor and have the last one follow the mouse. The problem is I'm creating them from code instead of using the interface and, since I'm not an expert, I can't get them to work.
All I have in the library is a MovieClip(linkage:"LETRA") which contains a textField inside(instance name:"myTextField").
Here's what I have:
import flashx.textLayout.operations.MoveChildrenOperation;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
//this are the letters that will be following the mouse
var phrase:Array = ["H","a","c","e","r"," ","u","n"," ","p","u","e","n","t","e"];
//variable to spread them instead of creating them one of top of each other
var posXLetter:Number = 0;
//looping through my array
for (var i:Number = 0; i < phrase.length; i++)
//create an instance of the LETRA movieclip which contains a text field inside
var newLetter:MovieClip = new LETRA();
//assing a letter to that text field matching the position of the phrase array
newLetter.myTextField.text = phrase[i];
//assign X position to the letter I'm going to add
newLetter.x = posXLetter;
//add properties for storing the letter position
var distx:Number = 0;
var disty:Number = 0;
//add the listener and the function which will move each letter
newLetter.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveLetter);
function moveLetter(e:Event){
distx = newLetter.x - mouseX;
disty = newLetter.y - mouseY;
newLetter.x -= distx / 10;
newLetter.y -= disty / 10;
//add each letter to the stage
//increment the next letter's x position
posXLetter += 9;
With that code, only one letter is following the mouse (the "E") and the rest are staying where I added them using addChild and the posXLetter variable.
Also, I'm trying to get it to behave more like a trail, so if I move up, the letters will lag beneath me; if I move to the left, the letters will lag to my right but I think that with my current approach they will either A) move all together to the same spot or B) always hang to the left of the cursor.
Thanks for any possible help.