syms x y z;
solve(x==y+1, y^2==z,z==9)
ans =
x: [2x1 sym]
y: [2x1 sym]
z: [2x1 sym]
and now I want to see the results like Mathematica outputting {{x->-2,y->-3,z->9},{x->4,y->3,z->9}}
for Solve[{x == y + 1, y^2 == z, z == 9}, {x, y, z}]
. The workspace window and then variable editor shows me this but I still cannot see the real values stored there.
How can I see the output of Matlab in human-readable form aka beautified form?
The documentation of solve
When solving a system of equations, use one output argument to return the solutions in the form of a structure array
The result is returned as a struct, so you can access each field to see its value. The documentation brings an example of how to do it:
S = solve(x==y+1, y^2==z, z==9);
[S.x, S.y, S.z]
This should result in:
ans =
4 3 9
-2 -3 9
Alternatively, you can return the solutions in separate variables by specifying multiple output arguments:
[solx, soly, solz] = solve(x==y+1, y^2==z, z==9)
and this will result in:
solx =
soly =
solz =
It is not straightforward to view the contents of a struct type in MATLAB. One quick approach is to do something like this:
r=struct2cell(solve(x==y+1, y^2==z,z==9));
ans =
ans =
ans =
If you want to identify the actual variable names, I think you'll need to write a custom routine to print them how you'd like them to appear.