I have created a chat bot using Watson assistant in IBM cloud and I want to add that chat bot to my website which is written using html. Can anyone please help me in solving this out?
Thank you.
I have created a chat bot using Watson assistant in IBM cloud and I want to add that chat bot to my website which is written using html. Can anyone please help me in solving this out?
Thank you.
You can use Watson Assistant API's/SDK to deploy it to your existing HTML Website. Please refer here https://www.ibm.com/watson/developercloud/assistant/api/v1/curl.html?curl
Additionally,you can refer this documentation as well https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/conversation/develop-app.html#building-a-client-application
In case it is a wordpress blog, you can use an available plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/conversation-watson/