please see my first question to my topic: SQL: partition over two columns
I have following table:
| No1 | No2 | Amount| Timestamp
| A | B | 10 | 01.01.2018
| C | D | 20 | 02.01.2018
| B | A | 30 | 03.01.2018
| D | C | 40 | 04.01.2018
I have the following results at the moment:
| No1 | No2 | Sum(Amount) over partition | Timestamp
| A | B | 40 | 01.01.2018
| C | D | 60 | 02.01.2018
| B | A | 40 | 03.01.2018
| D | C | 60 | 04.01.2018
with the SQL (from the first question with Vamsi Prabhala's answer):
select no1,no2,sum(amount) over(partition by least(no1,no2),greatest(no1,no2)) as total, timestamp
from tbl
The question for me now is how can I add rows to the results like:
| No1 | No2 | Sum(Amount) over partition | Timestamp
| A | B | 40 (optional) | 01.01.2018
| B | A | 40 (optional) | 02.01.2018
| AB |(NULL)| 40 |
| C | D | 60 (optional) | 03.01.2018
| D | C | 60 (optional) | 04.01.2018
| CD |(NULL)| 60 |
Please be aware that there can be multiple rows with for example the values (No1=A,No2=B)
UPDATE: added timestamp column to be more specific what I want to achieve