I have a bunch of articles and I want to organize them by category. This would be simple with a GroupBy(x => x.Category), except that some articles have multiple categories. How can I group my articles so that if they have two categories, they are put into both category groupings?
Article 1, category:apples, oranges
Article 2, category:apples
Article 3, cateogry:oranges
I would end up with two categories, apples and oranges:
apples: Article 1, Article 2
orange: Article 1, Article 3
If I've understood your problem correctly, you can do the following:
var groups =
products.SelectMany(p => p.Categories,
(p, c) => new { Product = p, Category = c })
.GroupBy(p => p.Category, p => p.Product);
The relevant SelectMany
overload is this one.
The equivalent query syntax is much nicer:
var groups = from p in products
from c in p.Categories
group p by c into g
select g;
Thanks to Servy for pointing out the obvious way to translate the fluent version to the query syntax one (I was trying to convert it way too literally).
var categories = articles.selectMany(x => x.categoies).Distinct().Select(x => {
var categoriziedArticles = articles.Where(z => z.cagories.Conains(x)));
return new Category(categoriziedArticles);
Maybe something like this. I have not tried compiling this.