SQLite dynamic query

2019-08-18 08:47发布


I have a SQLite database, and what i want to do is that an user selects a filter. For example i have a database of books, and a user just want to look data from "Agata christies books"..

So i made a spinner with the options to select, and then with an intent i pass the field selected to another activity which executes the query select.

My question is, how can i make the dynamic query? Think that i have more than 1 filter, how can i make the clause WHERE depending on the data i passed from the other activity by an intent?



Lazy way but tried and true:

String query = "Select id FROM books WHERE 1=1"
if (condition1) query+= " AND name="+theName;
if (condition2) query+= " AND author="+theAuthor;
if (condition3) query+= " AND price="+thePrice;

If you have full control of options aka via spinners, this is safe. If its an edittext, use preparedStatements and bind the arguments to avoid SQLI.


public Cursor rawQuery (String sql, String[] selectionArgs)

Generate String SQL with ? for binding and add arguments in selectionArgs.


Not sure this is the smartiest way to do it, but assume you know in advance you can have 1 integer filters (price) and 1 string filter (author name), I'd try :

SELECT * FROM BOOKS WHERE (price<0 OR AND BOOKS.price = price ) AND (author="" OR BOOKS.author = author);

I'm not an SQLite expert, please check syntax. The trick is here to set price < 0 if the filter is not set (hence all lines are taken into account since condition price<0 is true), and set author as an empty string to not to filter on the author (SELECT will not filter out these lines since condition is true).

This will work !


boolean filterName = false;
boolean filterPrice = false;
ArrayList<String> selectionArgs = new ArrayList<String>();
String query = "SELECT * FROM BOOKS WHERE 1=1";
if(filterName) {
    query += " AND NAME = ?";
if(filterPrice) {
    query += " AND PRICE= ?";

Cursor c = m_Database.rawQuery(query, (String[])selectionArgs1.toArray());