I'm attempting to write a program that utilizes the sobel filter to detect edges in images. So first off, I've written down some of the requirements in some basic code, such as the x and y direction filters as arrays and also an attempt to read in a pgm image:
program edges
implicit none
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: inp, outim, GX, GY
integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(15,300)
integer :: ky, kx, x, y, out_unit = 10, M, N, sx, sy, i, j
real(kind=dp) :: G
M = 5
N = 5
open(file = 'clown.pgm',unit=out_unit,status= 'unknown') !opening file to write to inp
read (out_unit,11) 'P2' !pgm magic number
read (out_unit,12) 50,50 !width, height
read (out_unit,13) 1 !max gray value
do M=-25,25
do N=-25,25
read (out_unit,*) inp(M,N)
end do
end do
11 format(a2)
12 format(i3,1x,i3)
13 format(i5)
This is my first time working with image manipulation in FORTRAN, apart from once when I printed an image out as a pbm file. The code for reading the image in is a replicate of what I used to print one out before, except I changed write to read.
So my question is, how can I read in an image that's in pgm format into the "inp" array, so that I can apply the sobel filter? When I run my attempt, I get the following errors:
read (out_unit,11) 'P2' !pgm magic number
Error: Expected variable in READ statement at (1)
read (out_unit,12) 50,50 !width, height
Error: Expected variable in READ statement at (1)
read (out_unit,13) 1 !max gray value
Error: Expected variable in READ statement at (1)
Thank you