UIManager in Java Swing not working consistently?

2019-08-18 07:25发布


I'm trying to set the background color in my custom JOptionPane and no matter what, I cannot get the message part of the option pane to change color.

Attempt #1 was to set the pane background and opaque.

Attempt #2 was to also loop through the pane's components, and set the opaque and/or background attributes if they were JPanel or JLabel.

This did not work for the message part. From what I can see, the JPanel does not even exist as one of the components.

Attempt #3 was to use UIManager, however this is not working consistently.

What I mean is, if you were to run the program 5 times, sometimes no background colors are changed, sometimes they all are changed, and sometimes some of them are changed.

I am running inside an invokeLater thread.


Any ideas?


You can use following workaround:

    JLabel messageLabel = new JLabel("Background is cyan!") {
         * {@inheritDoc}
        public void addNotify() {
            if (getRootPane() != null) {
                List<Component> children = findAllChildren(getRootPane());
                for (Component comp : children) {
                    if (!(comp instanceof JButton)) {

        private List<Component> findAllChildren(Component aComp) {
            List<Component> result = new ArrayList<Component>();
            if (aComp instanceof Container) {
                Component[] children = ((Container) aComp).getComponents();
                for (Component c : children) {
            return result;
    JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, messageLabel, "Test title", JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION);