
Static files not working in Django

2019-08-18 05:57发布


My static files were absolutely working fine, but yesterday I tried using the app allauth and since then my static files are not being displayed. It is not showing any css or js. I tried commenting the allauth app and even then it does not work.

However I just figured out the problem. Django is appending the wrong path to the static files. It should be /static/style.css but it is searching it at /"module-name"/style.css What could be the possible reason. I have correctly configured the static files path in the settings.py file as STATIC_URL = "/static"


allauth prescribes using TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS like this::


Here, the dots refer to whatever context processors you were using before. If you did not have any, you were implicitly using the Django defaults specified over here: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.3/ref/settings/#template-context-processors

So I suspect your problem will go away when you insert the defaults where the dots are. Correct?