I have created a Elastic Beanstalk and CloudWatch Alarm in CloudFormation with the following code snippet:
"ElasticBeanstalkEnvironment": {
"Type": "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment",
"Properties": {
"ApplicationName": "my-app",
"EnvironmentName": "my-eb",
"SolutionStackName": "64bit Amazon Linux 2018.03 v3.0.1 running Tomcat 8 Java 8",
"OptionSettings": [
"Namespace": "aws:elb:loadbalancer",
"OptionName": "CrossZone",
"Value": "true"
"Namespace": "aws:elb:listener:80",
"OptionName": "ListenerProtocol",
"Value": "HTTP"
"Namespace": "aws:elb:listener:80",
"OptionName": "InstancePort",
"Value": "80"
"CloudWatchBacken500XXAlarm": {
"Type": "AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm",
"Properties" : {
"AlarmActions": ["arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:12345678:mysnstopic"],
"Namespace": "AWS/ELB",
"Dimensions": [{
"Name": "LoadBalancerName",
"Value" : {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"MetricName": "HTTPCode_Backend_5XX",
"Statistic": "Sum",
"Period": "60",
"EvaluationPeriods": "1",
"ComparisonOperator": "GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold",
"Threshold": "1"
You can see that the CloudWatch Alarm is configured to alert if the Elastic Beanstalk's load balancer receives 5XX Errors. However I am not able to get the load balancer Name attribute which would look something like this:
Instead the Fn::GetAtt("EndpointURL") attribute returns the load balancer's DNSName which looks something like this:
Which will fail to create the CloudWatch alarm correctly as it expects to get the load balancer Name not DNSName.
What's the best way to get the Load Balancer's Name? I don't want to have to create the Load Balancer as an external resource like "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer" or try to use some substring method to extract the Name string from the DNSName string.