I'm trying to automatically format a table in a Google Doc cell by cell. Once I have a table stored in the variable table
, I try to use getCell
to reference the cell in the top left of this table, but it doesn't return the cell I'm after.
I noticed that in the Google Scripts reference, they note that to point to a cell, the correct usage is getCell(rowIndex, cellIndex)
. What does cellIndex
refer to in this case, and does it relate to some sort of columnIndex
Any pointers on this would be appreciated.
Editing a table in a Google Doc
Here's an example that edits all of the cell contents of a table selected by placing the cursor inside one of it's cells.
rowIndex goes from 0 to table.getNumRows()-1;
cellIndex goes from 0 to table.getRow(i).getNumCells()-1
function editTableAtCursor(){
var doc=DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var el=doc.getCursor().getElement().getParent().getParent().getParent();
var table=el.asTable();
var rows=table.getNumRows();
for(var i=0;i<table.getNumRows();i++) {
for(var j=0;j<table.getRow(i).getNumCells();j++) {
table.getCell(i,j).editAsText().setText(Utilities.formatString('Row: %s Cell: %s',i,j));
- Table Class
- Example that replaces table with an Array
Yes, the cellIndex refers to columnIndex. Consider the below example
function getCellVal() {
var docBody=DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody();
var table=docBody.getTables()[0];
Here, the value in Logger will retrieve the cell value in first row and first column of the table. the index for row and column starts from 0.
Hope this helps!.