I'm building an application which will initially use SQLServer 2008 as the DBMS. How should I structure my application so that at a later stage I can use a different DBMS, e.g. Oracle, without changing my code i.e. via configuration only.
I suspect my core application will call code in an assembly/layer that encapsulates all the database calls required for the application to function. This layer will then call a DBMS-specific layer (based on config) to make the actual DB call? Can anyone point me to a clear example of this?
Added an explanation below:
My thought was that I could have multiple assemblies e.g. MyApp, MyApp.Database, MyApp.Database.SQLServer, MyApp.Database.Oracle, etc.
MyApp would make a call like:
DataSet ds = MyApp.Database.GetSomeData();
...which looks like...
public DataSet MyApp.Database.GetSomeData()
return GetDataFromDBMS();
GetSomeData is a generic call i.e. MyApp needs "GetSomeData()" in order to do something. It doesn't care where the data is from.
Then, GetDataFromDBMS would know, via a configuration file, to call either MyApp.Database.SQLServer.GetTheData() OR MyApp.Database.Oracle.GetTheData(). These methods could do whatever is required to get/process the data from each DBMS.