Google App Script - Telegram Bot - Custom Keyboard

2019-08-17 23:56发布


I want to create a custom keyboard.

I have this GAS code:

function sendText(chatId,text){

 var payload = { "method": "sendMessage", "chat_id": String(chatId),"text": text, "parse_mode": "HTML" }

 var data = {
  "method": "post",
  "payload": payload,
  "reply_markup": JSON.stringify({
    "keyboard": [

UrlFetchApp.fetch('' + token + '/', data);


it works great as echo bot but I am not able to create a custom keyboard. It just doesn't work and I have no idea why. I searched the solution online but I found nothing. Help me, please :)


With the help of @Sean and @Kos i have resolved my problem and here is the working code. I also have added the inline_keyboard type.

function sendText(chatId,text,keyBoard){

   keyBoard = keyBoard || 0;

  if(keyBoard.inline_keyboard || keyBoard.keyboard){
     var data = {
      method: "post",
      payload: {
         method: "sendMessage",
         chat_id: String(chatId),
         text: text,
         parse_mode: "HTML",
         reply_markup: JSON.stringify(keyBoard)
      var data = {
        method: "post",
        payload: {
          method: "sendMessage",
          chat_id: String(chatId),
          text: text,
          parse_mode: "HTML"

   UrlFetchApp.fetch('' + token + '/', data);


the keyBoard format must be as follow:

     keyboard: [

     inline_keyboard: [
         {text:'A juicy steak',callback_data:'steak'}
         {text:'A juicy steak2',callback_data:'steak2'}


Show, please, how do you then work with the callback_data in app script?


You use the wrong format for keyboard field, see the following example: