我怎样才能从SQL Server表一个JSON对象?(How can I get a JSON ob

2019-08-18 00:00发布

我有我想转换成JSON的视图。 什么是要返回,我可以用它来生产服务器上所需的JSON字符串的SQL?

Answer 1:

-- Author:      Thiago R. Santos                                           --
-- Create date: Aug 3rd 2008                                                   --
-- Description: Returns the contents of a given table                      --
--              in JavaScript Object Notation.                             --
-- Params:                                                                 --
--      @table_name: the table to execute the query                        --
--      @registries_per_request: equivalent to "select top N * from table" 
--                               replcing N by the actual number           
-- Influenced by Thomas Frank's post MySQL to JSON @ January 23, 2007      --
-- Post Url: http://www.thomasfrank.se/mysql_to_json.html                  --

create procedure [dbo].[GetJSON]
@table_name varchar(50),
@registries_per_request smallint = null
if((select count(*) from information_schema.tables where table_name =   @table_name)     > 0)
    declare @json varchar(max),
            @line varchar(max),
            @columns varchar(max),
            @sql nvarchar(max),
            @columnNavigator varchar(50),
            @counter tinyint,
            @size varchar(10)

    if (@registries_per_request is null) 
        set @size = ''
        set @size = 'top ' + convert(varchar, @registries_per_request)
    set @columns = '{'

    declare schemaCursor cursor
    for select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name = @table_name
    open    schemaCursor    

    fetch next from schemaCursor
    into  @columnNavigator

    select  @counter = count(*) from information_schema.columns where table_name = @table_name

    while @@fetch_status = 0
        set @columns = @columns + '''''' + @columnNavigator + ''''':'''''' + convert(varchar, ' + @columnNavigator + ') + '''''''
        set @counter = @counter - 1
        if(0 != @counter) 
            set @columns = @columns + ','

        fetch next from schemaCursor
        into  @columnNavigator

    set @columns =  @columns + '}'

    close       schemaCursor
    deallocate  schemaCursor

    set @json = '['

    set @sql = 'select  ' + @size + '''' + @columns + ''' as json into tmpJsonTable from ' + @table_name
    exec sp_sqlexec @sql

    select  @counter = count(*) from tmpJsonTable

    declare tmpCur cursor
    for     select * from tmpJsonTable
    open    tmpCur

    fetch next from tmpCur
    into  @line

    while @@fetch_status = 0
        set @counter = @counter - 1
        set @json = @json + @line
        if ( 0 != @counter ) 
            set @json = @json + ','

        fetch next from tmpCur
        into  @line

    set @json = @json + ']'

    close       tmpCur
    deallocate  tmpCur
    drop table  tmpJsonTable

    select @json as json

Answer 2:


如果我是你,我会打破这个问题到看你的中间层框架的ORM技术(ASP.NET我假设?),然后从框架再次连载到JSON。 如果不支持框架(即你是不是在.NET 3+),我还是赞成连载数据库,XML和XSLT,然后转换XML到JSON,因为XML是非常非常容易在服务器上的工作。


Answer 3:

下面的版本是这个概念的一个总的重新设计。 如果我错过了什么,请添加注释,我将修改调整。

-- Author:      Matthew D. Erwin (Snaptech, LLC)
-- Create date: May 9, 2013                                                
-- Description: Returns the contents of a given table                      
--              in JavaScript Object Notation JSON - 
--              Very notably useful for generating MOCK .json files
--              for testing or before RESTful services are completed.
--              This implementation:
--                  *removed cursor (using FOR XML PATH(''))
--                  *properly supports NULL vs quoted values
--                  *supports dates in ISO 8601 - presuming UTC
--                  *uses Data_Type and Is_Nullable info
--                  *escapes '\'
--                  *formats output with tabs/newlines
--                  *can return final results as XML to bypass
--                   truncation in SSMS
--                  *supports schema (e.g. [dbo].[TableName]
--                  *includes "recordCount" field
-- Options:                                                                
--      @table_name: the table to execute the query                        
--      @limit: equivalent to "select top N * from table" 
--      @ssms: flag to use if executing in Sql Server Management Studio
--             to bypass result truncation limits.
-- Inspired primarily by the 2008 work of Thiago R. Santos which was influenced by Thomas Frank.
-- Usage: [dbo].[GetJSON] @Table_name = 'MySchema.MyTable', @limit = 50, @ssms = 0

create procedure [dbo].[GetJSON] (
    @table_name varchar(max), 
    @limit int = null,
    @ssms bit = 0
        declare @json varchar(max), @query varchar(max), @table_schema varchar(max) = null
if( charindex('.', @table_name) > 0 )
    set @table_schema = replace(replace( substring(@table_name, 0, charindex('.',@table_name)), '[', ''), ']', '')
    set @table_name = replace(replace( substring(@table_name, charindex('.',@table_name) + 1,len(@table_name)), '[', ''), ']', '')

set @query = 
    'select ' + case when @limit is not null then 'top ' + cast(@limit as varchar(32)) + ' ' else '' end + '''{ '' + REVERSE(STUFF(REVERSE(''' +
    CAST((SELECT ' "' + column_name + '" : ' + 
        case when is_nullable = 'YES' 
            then ''' + case when [' + column_name + '] is null then ''null'' else ' + 
                case when data_type like '%char%' or data_type like '%text%' then '''"'' + ' else '' end + 
                case when data_type like '%date%' then 'convert(varchar(23),[' + column_name + '], 126) + ''Z''' else 
                'replace(replace(replace(replace(cast([' + column_name + '] as varchar(max)),''\'',''\\''),''"'',''\"''),char(10),''\n''),char(13),''\n'') ' end + 
                case when data_type like '%char%' or data_type like '%text%' then '+ ''"''' else '' end + ' end + ''' 
                case when data_type like '%char%' or data_type like '%text%' then '"' else '' end + 
                ''' + ' +
                case when data_type like '%date%' then 'convert(varchar(23),[' + column_name + '], 126) + ''Z' else 
                'replace(replace(replace(replace(cast([' + column_name + '] as varchar(max)),''\'',''\\''),''"'',''\"''),char(10),''\n''),char(13),''\n'') + ''' end +
                case when data_type like '%char%' or data_type like '%text%' then '"' else '' end end + ',' AS [text()] 
                from information_schema.columns where table_name = @table_name and (@table_schema is null or table_schema = @table_schema) FOR XML PATH('') ) as varchar(max)) +
                '''),1,1,'''')) + '' }'' as json into tmpJsonTable from ' + @table_name + ' with(nolock) '
exec sp_sqlexec @query

set @json = 
    '{' + char(10) + char(9) +
    '"recordCount" : ' + Cast((select count(*) from tmpJsonTable) as varchar(32)) + ',' + char(10) + char(9) +
    '"records" : ' + char(10) + char(9) + char(9) + '[' + char(10)
    + REVERSE(STUFF(REVERSE(CAST((SELECT char(9) + char(9) + json + ',' + char(10) AS [text()] FROM tmpJsonTable FOR XML PATH('')) AS varchar(max))),1,2,''))
    + char(10) + char(9) + char(9) + ']' + char(10) + '}'

drop table tmpJsonTable
if( @ssms = 1 and len(@json) > 65535 ) --deal with Sql Server Management Studio text/grid truncation
    select cast('<json><![CDATA[' + @json + ']]></json>' as xml) as jsonString
    select @json as jsonString

Answer 4:

jlech答案是确定的,但我不明白为什么你不能用一个类似于在此技术直接产生断视图的元数据UNPIVOT答案 ,避免游标和一个SELECT INTO tempoary表。

Answer 5:

不出轨的OP的问题,但我想知道如果在SQL这样做是为了把最好/最合适的路线? 在我看来,这可能是更容易/有效的代码来完成。


诚然,OP可能有很好的理由,需要走这条路线。 我只是想(打字)大声这里...

文章来源: How can I get a JSON object from a SQL Server table?