I'm having a strange issue where I replace the values in $rootScope.data.vehicles with new data but the old data points on my view remain for about one second alongside the new data.
For instance, right after I replace the $rootScope.data.vehicles array with a new array my view will display the 3 new values first followed by the 3 old values. View is using ng-repeat on $rootScope.data.vehicles to display tiles.
About one second later the 3 old values are no longer displayed in the view.
Each time the interval fires I get new values followed by old values, even if the values have not changed.
My controller and factory look like so:
(function () {
var vehiclesInjectParams = ['$location', 'dataService', '$rootScope', 'VehiclesRefreshService'];
var VehiclesController = function ($location, dataService, $rootScope, VehiclesRefreshService) {
var vm = this;
if ($rootScope.data == undefined)
$rootScope.data = {};
$rootScope.data.vehicles = [];
function init() {
.then(function (data) {
$rootScope.data.vehicles = data.results;
}, function (error) {
var thisError = error.data.message;
VehiclesController.$inject = vehiclesInjectParams;
var vehiclesRefreshInjectParams = ['$interval', '$rootScope', '$q', 'dataService'];
var VehiclesRefreshService = function ($interval, $rootScope, $q, dataService) {
var factory = {};
factory.getValues = function () {
var interval = $interval(function () {
.then(function (data) {
$rootScope.data.vehicles = data.results;
}, function (error) {
var thisError = error.data.message;
}, 10000);
return factory;
VehiclesRefreshService.$inject = vehiclesRefreshInjectParams;
angular.module('teleAiDiagnostics').controller('VehiclesController', VehiclesController).factory('VehiclesRefreshService', VehiclesRefreshService);
First I load the array then I start an $interval timer to refresh the values every 10 seconds. As soon as the dataService returns the new list of values and puts them in $rootScope.data.vehicles I notice the six tiles instead of 3. One second after that I'm left with only the 3 new tiles.
My view looks like so:
<article class="icon-gallery flexslider">
<figure ng-repeat="vehicle in $parent.data.vehicles" class="gallery-item svg">
<a class="nextpage" ng-href="#!/vehicle/{{vehicle.vehicleID}}">
<img src="img/machine/01.svg" alt="">
<span class="green-machine-code">{{vehicle.id}}</span>
<li>Online: {{vehicle.online}}</li>
<li>Status: {{vehicle.status}}</li>
<li>AllClear: {{vehicle.allClear}}</li>
Any ideas as to how to get my tiles to refresh seamlessly? All help is greatly appreciated.