我试图用打字稿与迪朗达尔。 我试图使起动机例如与打字稿,这适用于大多数的方法和类的工作。 然而,在Flickr的类下面我体验在选择方法的问题。 当这个方法被调用似乎这不是Flickr的类,但所选择的项目。 有人可以帮助我弄清楚什么是错的? 其他的方法是否按预期工作。
///<reference path='../../Scripts/typings/requirejs/require.d.ts'/>
///<reference path='../../Scripts/typings/durandal/durandal.d.ts'/>
///<reference path='../../Scripts/typings/knockout/knockout.d.ts'/>
class Flickr
app: App;
http: Http;
displayName = 'Flickr';
images = ko.observableArray([]);
constructor(app: App, http: Http)
this.app = app;
this.http = http;
public activate() : any
//the router's activator calls this function and waits for it to complete before proceding
if (this.images().length > 0)
return this.http.jsonp('http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne', { tags: 'mount ranier', tagmode: 'any', format: 'json' }, 'jsoncallback').then((response)=>
public select(item : any) {
//the app model allows easy display of modal dialogs by passing a view model
//views are usually located by convention, but you an specify it as well with viewUrl
item.viewUrl = 'views/detail';
public canDeactivate() : any
//the router's activator calls this function to see if it can leave the screen
return this.app.showMessage('Are you sure you want to leave this page?', 'Navigate', ['Yes', 'No']);
define(['durandal/http', 'durandal/app'], function (http, app)
return new Flickr(app, http);
} );
var Flickr = (function () {
function Flickr(app, http) {
this.displayName = 'Flickr';
this.images = ko.observableArray([]);
this.app = app;
this.http = http;
Flickr.prototype.activate = function () {
var _this = this;
if(this.images().length > 0) {
return this.http.jsonp('http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne', {
tags: 'mount ranier',
tagmode: 'any',
format: 'json'
}, 'jsoncallback').then(function (response) {
Flickr.prototype.select = function (item) {
item.viewUrl = 'views/detail';
Flickr.prototype.canDeactivate = function () {
return this.app.showMessage('Are you sure you want to leave this page?', 'Navigate', [
return Flickr;
], function (http, app) {
return new Flickr(app, http);
//@ sourceMappingURL=flickr.js.map