knockoutjs table inline template troubles

2019-08-17 19:26发布


I slimmed down my actual code but I can't get this work. I am using knockoutjs and bootstrap with inline knockout templates. I use to just put a bunch of input's inside a div but I changed it to a table for alignment reasons. I know the property names are correct and the javascript console doesn't show any errors at all for bad variables or binding issues. I am putting the foreach in a TR tag instead of the TBODY tag because I don't know how many checkboxes I will have every time and I don't want them in rows exactly, just one TR element and a bunch of TD cells inside that one TR tag for now. How can I make this work??

<div id="Counties" class="well well-large checkbox inline">  
    <table class="table table-condensed">
                    <tr data-bind="foreach: { data: counties
                        <td><input type="checkbox" data-bind="attr: { value: $data.sid }" />$

Here are my viewModels :

function searchVm() {
    var self = this;
    self.counties = ko.observableArray([]); //array of jurisItem

function jurisItem(name, sid) {
    var self = this; = name;
    self.sid = sid;

Edit :

I also tried this based on knockoutjs documentation and it doesn't work. I know I can do this in other ways using jquery but I would prefer knockout template syntax...

<table class="table table-condensed">
                    <!-- ko foreach: $root.counties -->
                        <input type="checkbox" data-bind="attr: { value: $data.sid }" />$
                    <!-- /ko -->


I am not sure what are You trying to do. I made some sample.


<div id="Counties" class="well well-large checkbox inline">  
    <table class="table table-condensed">
            <tr data-bind="foreach: counties">
                <input type="checkbox" data-bind="attr: { value: sid }" />
                <span data-bind="text: name" />


$(function () { 
    var SearchVm = function () {
        var self = this;
        self.counties = ko.observableArray([]);

    var JurisItem = function (name, sid) {
        var self = this; = name;
        self.sid = sid;

    var item1 = new JurisItem("TestName1", "TestSid1");
    var item2 = new JurisItem("TestName2", "TestSid2");

    var searchViewModel = new SearchVm();


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