Our DBA has set backups of website databases to every 4 hours. The backup of each website database is created every 4 hours and it contains 4 files (with .bak) extension. Folder hierarchy of these backup files are as follows:
\\folder\sub-folder(4 X Files).bak
The problem we have is that we have to check in each "sub-folder" if the 4 (four) .bak files are created after every four 4 hours manually.
Can somebody help with the creation of a PowerShell script that can:
- Generate the list of the web sites (subfolder name) in which 4 new files are not created for the latest timestamp.
- Email us the list.
Following is the script I am using for this but it only gives part of the required stuff:
$folder = 'B:\sub-folder\Catfish_test'
$Clients = Import-Csv C:\test\backups.csv
$Files = Get-ChildItem $folder -Recurse -Include @("*.bak") |
Where-Object {($_.CreationTime -gt (Get-Date).Date)} |
select name
$Clients | ForEach-Object {
$Client = $_
$ClientCheck = $Files | Where-Object {$_ -like $Client}
if (-not $ClientCheck) {
Write-Warning "$Client is missing!"
} else {
Write-Output $ClientCheck
} | Out-File C:\test\result.txt