I am developing an app where users can perform CRUD operations on multiple data models (aka. DB tables). I am using Dojo and I am quite happy with the dojox.grid
module. But users also need to add records, so there has to be an Add Dialog for each table.
Is there a way/module that generates a Dojo grid and an Add Dialog given only the data structure of the model? Sort of like the structure
parameter of dojox.grid
, so that both the grid and the add Dialog have the same data types, default values, contraints etc.
Of course I could write a custom widget that would just do that but I am looking for something existing here.
The answer is, no there is no such module. You'd need to build a derived dialog.
Lets see whats needed;
- The current grid
- the grid layout (celltypes)
- names and labels (structure)
Assuming there is one 'Add contents' button defined pr-grid and that this button 'knows' the ID of the said grid, its onClick function should fire up a form in dialog.
While there are dijit.form Widgets there's also a range of predefined cellTypes
, residing under dojox/grid/cells/_base.js
. Lets make a map where type and widget is 1to1:
var map = [{
type: 'dojox.grid.cells.Cell',
dijit: 'dijit.form.TextBox'},
type: 'dojox.grid.cells.Bool',
dijit: 'dijit.form.CheckBox'},
type: 'dojox.grid.cells.Select',
dijit: 'dijit.form.Select'},
type: 'dojox.grid.cells.DateTextBox',
dijit: 'dijit.form.DateTextBox'}
In our addContents function we will make use of the 'editable' functionality in the dojox.grid.DataGrid. When we know there's a such - there is certainly also a function pr-cell that generates the DOM. This is the formatEditing function which is present in any cellType.
// for instance
dojox.grid.cells.Select.prototype.formatEditing( /* value */ "", /* row */ -1);
Only thing thats needed is to construct the contents which should be shown in the dialog - following uses the above mentioned functionality and provides dijit suitable markup for presentation in a dijit.Dialog.
function addContents(gridId) {
var grid = dijit.byId(gridId);
var contents = ['<form action="MySubmitUrl" data-dojo-type="dijit.form.Form"><table>'];
dojo.forEach(grid.layout.cells, function(cell, idx) {
var szHtml = cell.formatEditing("", -1);
var dijitType = map.filter(function(e) {
return e.type == cell.declaredClass;
var name = grid.structure[0][idx].field;
var label = grid.structure[0][idx].name;
var elementMod = ' data-dojo-type="' + dijitType + '" id="' + name + '" name="' + name + '" ';
contents.push('<label for="' + name + '">' + label + ': </label>');
contents.push(szHtml.replace(/^([^\ ]*)/, "$1" + elementMod));
var dialog = new dijit.Dialog({
content: contents.join("")
The contents is easy style-able and should also supply a submit/cancel button but im certain you get the idea. Running sample
Let me know how it runs (havent tested combobox / datetime types)