
Jibx Codegen: customization file - package per sch

2019-08-17 18:48发布


I'm using Jibx maven plugin in a project to generate Java source from XML schema (xsd) files. I've configured the plugin in the pom.xml to use a customization xml. In this xml, I define a Java package per schema, as presented here:

    <schema name="schema1.xsd" package="com.myApp.jibxgenerated.schema.schema1"/>
    <schema name="schema2.xsd" package="com.myApp.jibxgenerated.schema.schema2" includes="element1" />
    <schema name="schema3.xsd" package="com.myApp.jibxgenerated.schema.schema3" includes="element1 element2" />

I have namespaces defined in these schemas. The output Java source files still use the namespace defined in the schemas to create a Java package, ignoring my package attribute in the customization.xml.

I know the customization.xml is being read and used in the source code generation because there are some other customizations that work correctly.

Is this a bug or I'm doing something wrong here?

Thanks in advance for any help.


At http://jibx.sourceforge.net/fromschema/codegen-customs.html they nest multiple schema-sets within an outer schema-set. Try this:

  <schema-set package="com.myApp.jibxgenerated.schema.schema1">
    <schema name="schema1.xsd"/>
  <schema-set package="com.myApp.jibxgenerated.schema.schema2">
    <schema name="schema2.xsd" includes="element1" />
  <schema-set package="com.myApp.jibxgenerated.schema.schema3">
    <schema name="schema3.xsd" includes="element1 element2" />

标签: java maven jibx