The "extLib" iNotes calendar control appears to have a "life of its own" when it comes to localization settings: in the week views e.g. weekday and month names are following the localization settings of the client (if I set the browser's language to en-US it says "Monday" ... "Sunday"), but the week always starts at Monday. Another example are the time slots where they are displayed: times are always displayed as "09:00" .. "12:00" and then onwards as "13:00" .. "18:00" etc. But there are also "AM" and "PM" markers where applicable, no matter what locale the client is set to (see screenshot #1 below for a de-DE locale).
This behavious is not true for the "real" iNotes calendar: this one follows the client's locale as can be seen in the 2nd (locale = de-DE) and 3rd (locale = en-US) screenshot below (ok, for en-US week still starts at Monday, but this can be set through the iNotes preferences).
So I wonder if, no I really hope that there's some way to control localization parameters. But how?