This is a style question for C and C++. Do you prefer
void f() {
const char * x = g();
if (x == NULL) {
//process error
// continue function
or this:
void f() {
const char * x = g();
if (! x) {
//process error
// continue function
? The former is much clearer, but the latter is less verbose.
It mainly depends on the adopted convention within your group of work.
As the != NULL
form may be clearer to a developer who is used to it, the inverse is also true for developers who were used to check a NULL
value using the boolean form.
As @Andy Prowl mentioned it, a much clearer version of this appeard in C++11 by the use of the nullptr
type : if (x == nullptr)
. This notation should be used as a convention by every members of a team if you are writing C++11 application.
Finally, there exists different patterns that are pretty much used such as the Null Object Pattern
that avoids making this check everywhere in your code, in case this check involves a specific habit of your application.