following is a recipe which I use to copy and install a software on my windows server.
batch "Get installed software list" do
code "wmic /output:C:\\InstallList.txt product get name,version"
if'C:/InstallList.txt', mode: 'r:BOM|UTF-16:UTF-8') =~ /.NET Framework 4/
print "Dotnet framework 4 is already installed."
remote_file 'c:/repo/dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe' do
source 'file:////$/CHEFREPO/dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe'
batch "Install Dotnet" do
cwd 'c:/repo/'
code <<-EOH
dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe #{node['mycloud_dotnet']['passive']} #{node['mycloud_dotnet']['CEIPconsent']} #{node['mycloud_dotnet']['chainingpackage']} #{node['mycloud_dotnet']['createlayout']} #{node['mycloud_dotnet']['lcid']} #{node['mycloud_dotnet']['log']} #{node['mycloud_dotnet']['msioptions']} #{node['mycloud_dotnet']['norestart']} #{node['mycloud_dotnet']['promptrestart']} #{node['mycloud_dotnet']['quit']} #{node['mycloud_dotnet']['repair']} #{node['mycloud_dotnet']['serialdownload']} #{node['mycloud_dotnet']['uninstall']} #{node['mycloud_dotnet']['parameterfolder']} #{node['mycloud_dotnet']['NoSetUpVersionCheck']} #{node['mycloud_dotnet']['uninstallpatch']}
del dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe
not_if {'c:/InstallList.txt', mode: 'r:BOM|UTF-16:UTF-8') =~ /.NET Framework 4/}
The batch resource, created a text file which contains the list of already installed software. Then I read this file to check if the software is already installed. It it is, I print a message. Else the recipe moves into my else part, where I download the setup from remote repository and then install it using silent installation. But on the client run, I get an error as following :
[2014-08-22T05:26:38-07:00] FATAL: Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - C:
My client is somehow executing the
code in the if block, before executing the first batch resource("Get installed Software List")
. Any ideas what might be going wrong and a workaround for the same.