Split JSON into multiple files

2019-01-15 16:00发布


I have json file exported from mongodb which looks like:

{"_id":"99919","city":"THORNE BAY"}

there are about 30000 lines, I want to split each line into it's own .json file. (I'm trying to transfer my data onto couchbase cluster)

I tried doing this:

cat cities.json | jq -c -M '.' | \
while read line; do echo $line > .chunks/cities_$(date +%s%N).json; done

but I found that it seems to drop loads of line and the output of running this command only gave me 50 odd files when I was expecting 30000 odd!!

Is there a logical way to make this not drop any data using anything that would suite?


Assuming you don't care about the exact filenames, if you want to split input into multiple files, just use split.

jq -c . < cities.json | split -l 1 --additional-suffix=.json - .chunks/cities_


In general to split any text file into separate files per-line using any awk on any UNIX system is simply:

awk '{close(f); f=".chunks/cities_"NR".json"; print > f}' cities.json