I have a network of brokers with the following configuration
<transportConnector name="tomer-amq-test2" uri="tcp://" updateClusterClients="true" rebalanceClusterClients="true" updateClusterClientsOnRemove="true"/>
I expect that when I connect using the URL
the broker shall update th client with the full list of brokers it is conencted too, and the client shall connect to one randomly, and to a second as backup
however this is not happening and the client connects only to the specified broker in the url
help anyone?
Tx Tomer
figured out the problem (at least on my env)
when a broker updates another broker that it is up, it identifies itself by the server name.
once the server name of all brokers was added to /etc/hosts on the client side, all was well
I guess this is bad practice, and the broker should identify itself by ip and not by hostname
I was running activeMQ 5.5.1 on ubuntu 10.4
Your client will only be updated with the full broker-list if some or the following properties are true: updateClusterClients rebalanceClusterClients and updateClusterClientsOnRemove.
you have to set them manually on your client as they are false by default.
see: http://activemq.apache.org/failover-transport-reference.html