I have a camera that has its own DLL library for passing parameters to the camera, and taking images. I am trying to make calls with this DLL library through python. I need to make a pointer for the raw image data, and i'm not exactly sure how to do this. The DLL has a function name and takes those parameters as inputs:
StTrg_TakeRawSnapShot(hCamera, pbyteraw, dwBufferSize, dwNumberOfByteTrans, dwFrameNo, dwMilliseconds)
This parameter sets the camera control handle that obtains by StTrg_Open.
This parameter sets pointer of the raw image.
This parameter sets the buffer size.
This parameter sets the pointer that obtains the total number of the bytes of the image.
This parameter sets the pointer that obtains the frame number of the image that counts in the camera.
This number can be use for the frame drop detection.
This parameter sets the timeout time (Unit is msecond).
exactly as stated from the documentation of the camera, pbyteraw is: "This parameter sets pointer of the raw image" and that's all the detail they provide.
how do i create this raw image pointer, and then read it to a 2D array that i can work with in python? The camera is black and white, so i am hoping to get a 2D array of values between 0 and 255.
from ctypes import *
import numpy as np
mydll = windll.LoadLibrary('StTrgApi.dll')
hCamera = mydll.StTrg_Open()
im_height = 1600
im_width = 1200
dwBufferSize = im_height * im_width
pbyteraw = (c_ubyte * dwBufferSize)()
dwNumberOfByteTrans = 0
dwFrameNo = 0
dwMilliseconds = 3000
mydll.StTrg_TakeRawSnapShot(hCamera, pbyteraw, dwBufferSize,
dwNumberOfByteTrans, dwFrameNo, dwMilliseconds)
b_pbyte = bytearray(pbyteraw)