Could someone please show me how to make the last item added to the flextable go directly underneath the existing item?
function doGet() {
var app = UiApp.createApplication();
var listBox = app.createListBox();
listBox.addItem("item 1").addItem("item 2").addItem("item 3").setName("myListBox");
var handler = app.createServerHandler("buttonHandler");
// pass the listbox into the handler function as a parameter
var table = app.createFlexTable().setId("myTable");
var button = app.createButton("+", handler);
return app;
function buttonHandler(e) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
app.getElementById("myTable").insertRow(0).insertCell( 0, 0).setText( 0, 0, e.parameter.myListBox);
return app;
The idea is to keep in memory the index of the row you write to. One can use many ways to achieve this but the most straightforward is probably to write this row index in the table or listBox tag, something like this (I didn't test the code but hope I made no error):
EDIT : the tag solution didn't seem to work, so I changed to a hidden widget
function doGet() {
var app = UiApp.createApplication();
var listBox = app.createListBox();
listBox.addItem("item 1").addItem("item 2").addItem("item 3").setName("myListBox");
var hidden = app.createHidden().setName('hidden').setId('hidden')
var handler = app.createServerHandler("buttonHandler");
// pass the listbox into the handler function as a parameter and the hidden widget as well
var table = app.createFlexTable().setId("myTable");
var button = app.createButton("+", handler);
app.add(listBox).add(button).add(table).add(hidden);// add all widgets to the app
return app;
function buttonHandler(e) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var pos = e.parameter.hidden;// get the position (is a string)
if(pos==null){pos='0'};// initial condition, hidden widget is empty
pos=Number(pos);// convert to number
var table = app.getElementById("myTable")
table.insertRow(pos).insertCell( pos, 0).setText(pos, 0, e.parameter.myListBox);// add the new item at the right place
++pos ;// increment position
app.getElementById('hidden').setValue(pos);// save value
return app;// update app
The following piece of code is doing the same, but with the usage of a ScriptProperties method. Nothing fancy to it and works like a charm:
function doGet() {
var app = UiApp.createApplication();
// create listBox and add items
var listBox = app.createListBox().setName("myListBox")
.addItem("item 1")
.addItem("item 2")
.addItem("item 3");
// set position
ScriptProperties.setProperty('position', '0');
// create handle for button
var handler = app.createServerHandler("buttonHandler").addCallbackElement(listBox);
// create flexTable and button
var table = app.createFlexTable().setId("myTable");
var button = app.createButton("+", handler);
// add all to application
// return to application
return app;
function buttonHandler(e) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
// get position
var position = parseInt(ScriptProperties.getProperty('position'),10);
// get myTable and add
app.getElementById("myTable").insertRow(position).insertCell(position, 0).setText(position, 0, e.parameter.myListBox);
// increment position
var newPosition = position++;
// set position
ScriptProperties.setProperty('position', newPosition.toString());
// return to application
return app;
Please de-bug the code, so that the authorization process is initiated.
Reference: Script and User Properties