In the following code, I am unable to understand why validateOpt
might return value JsSuccess(None)
instead of JsError
def getQuestion = silhouette.UserAwareAction.async{
implicit request => {
val body: AnyContent = request.body
val jsonBodyOption: Option[JsValue] = body.asJson => { //body is json
val personJsonJsResultOption = jsonBody.validateOpt[Person]//check that json structure is correct
personJsonJsResultOption match {
case personSuccessOption: JsSuccess[Option[Person]] => { //json is correct
val personOption = personSuccessOption.getOrElse(None) //why would getOrElse return None??
personOption match {
case Some(person) => {
... }
case None =>{ //I am not sure when this will be triggered.
case e: JsError => {
.getOrElse(//body is not json