I'm using the MatDatepicker from @angular/material ^7.0.0-rc.0, and I made a little complex filter that compares every visible day in the timepicker with every day of an array with about 200 or 300 values. It breaks the aplication every time I switch the datepicker to multi-year view mode.
I just want to disable or disallow the multi-year view mode, and let only month mode and year mode working.
<mat-form-field (click)="picker.open()" class="date-field">
<span>{{(dataFields['mosaic_'+REPORT_STAGES.PLANTING]['value'] | date: 'dd/MM/yyyy') || 'Não plantou'}}</span>
<input matInput hidden [matDatepicker]="picker" placeholder="" [(value)]="dataFields['mosaic_'+REPORT_STAGES.PLANTING]['value']" (dateChange)="plantingDateChange($event)" [matDatepickerFilter]="datePickerFilter.bind(this)">
<mat-datepicker #picker></mat-datepicker>
My filter method:
datePickerFilter(d: Date): boolean {
const dAsDate = this.datePipe.transform(d, 'dd-MM-yyyy');
const validDates = this.allowedDays.filter(e => {
const eAsDate = this.datePipe.transform(new Date(e), 'dd-MM-yyyy');
return eAsDate === dAsDate;
return (validDates.length > 0);
I don't found anything on A. Material manual that can helps me. Hope anyone can!
Thanks a lot!