Create a scope, maybe something like this..
scope :mv, select('*,quantity*market_price as market_value, quantity*market_price/sum(quantity*market_price) as percent')
that creates two virtual attributes, market_value and percent. The problem I am having is creating the percent with the sum() included. If I add sum(), the scope returns one record.
I need to calculate the percent of market_value relative to the total market value of the scoped record set.
1, market_value: 100, percent: .10
2, market_value: 100, percent: .10
3, market_value: 100, percent: .10
4, market_value: 100, percent: .10
5, market_value: 100, percent: .10
6, market_value: 500, percent: .50
Total is 1000
however, if I scope it to where market_value < 6, I should see
1, market_value: 100, percent: .20
2, market_value: 100, percent: .20
3, market_value: 100, percent: .20
4, market_value: 100, percent: .20
5, market_value: 100, percent: .20
Total 500
How can I accomplish this?
I created a self.pct method but problem with the self.pct method is that it needs to be run after all the scopes. if rescoped, the solution is wrong
So far,
class Position < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :account_id, :account_type, :market_price, :quantity, :report_date, :symbol
scope :long_only, where(:account_type => 'L')
scope :short_only, where(:account_type=>"S")
scope :equity_only, :conditions => ["symbol <> 'USD'"]
scope :mv, select('*,quantity*market_price as market_value, quantity*market_price/sum(quantity*market_price) as percent')
scope :mv1, lambda{|total| select(total) }
#the problem with the self.pct method is that it needs to be run after all the scopes. if rescoped, the solution is wrong
def self.pct
string="*,(quantity*market_price) as market_value, (market_price*quantity/#{sum_market_value}) as percent"
def market_value
def self.sum_market_value