I have written a function to find Log(Fn) / n
, where Fn
is the sequence of Fibonacci numbers F_{n+1} = F_n + F_{n-1}
function [g] = logf(n)
u = 0;
v = 1;
f = v;
for i = 2:n do
f = u + v;
u = v;
v = f;
g = log(f) / n;
What I need is to plot this function for 1< n < 200
First all please try to learn MarkDown language to post readable questions. Your first question had some information which was not shown due to the conflicts with StackOverflow's MarkDown rendering.
Secondly try to modularize your code as much as possible and use the convention I have used to have a more readable code. Define a Fibonacci using a for loop:
function y = fibonacci(N)
select N
case 0 then
y = 0;
case 1 then
y = 1;
y0 = 0;
y1 = 1;
y = 1;
for ii = 3:N do
y0 = y1;
y1 = y
y = y1 + y0;
Then you have two options:
A. define your function in a vectorized form:
function [g] = logf(n)
for ii = n do
g(ii) = log(fibonacci(ii)) / ii;
consider that Scilab does not broadcast matrices / lists over functions and you should do that your self.
Now you can plot with:
n = 1:200;
plot(n, logf(n));
And the result is:
B. Alternatively you could map or broadcast your function over the sequence using feval
. Define your function in scalar form:
function [g] = logf(n)
g = log(fibonacci(n)) / n;
and then plot with:
n = 1:200;
plot(n, feval(n, logf));