I want a regexp to match partial weekday names. For example, I want to match "Thursday", "thurs", "thur" or "Thu". I tried "thu(rsday)?", but that only matched "thu" and "thursday". The complete regular expression to match abbreviated weekdays would be excessively long. I tried this regex string:
The strings I have look like this:
3-Dec Mon 1:00pm Premiere USPHL Sk3-Red
4-Dec Tue 8:10pm U16 USPHL Sk3-Red
6-Dec Thur 1:00pm Premiere USPHL Sk3-Red
In Oracle I'd do this where I want to select where the string matches a weekday. I suspect you can tweak the regular expression to fit your environment:
with tbl(str) as (
select '3-Dec Mon 1:00pm Premiere USPHL Sk3-Red' from dual union all
select '4-Dec Tues 8:10pm U16 USPHL Sk3-Red' from dual union all
select '6-Dec Thursday 1:00pm Premiere USPHL Sk3-Red' from dual
select str
from tbl
where regexp_like(str, ' (mon|tue(s)?|wed(nes)?|Thu(r)?(s)?|fri|sat(ur)?|sun)(day)? ', 'i');
OK, thanks for the help. I ended up with this regexp:
A little more complicated than I wanted, but it works. I'll need plenty of comments in my code ;-)