I've set-up a spreadsheet as a DB to store catalog-like information. An important element of this information is an image the end user inserts in a user-front sheet using the Google Spreadsheet's menu option "Insert --> Image --> Image in cell". This image is then copied into the storage sheet using "SpreadsheetApp.CopyPasteType.PASTE_VALUES" in a script.
Now I'm crafting a document as an output of the information stored in the DB. The issue is that I can't parse the image from the spreadsheet to the document. I'm not even being able to get it from the spreadsheet.
I've surfed the web for a solution but got nothing. The closest I found is a 2 year-old similar question without a direct response: how to copy IMAGE from a google spreadsheet to a google document in script?
My logic says that if I pasted the image-in-cell as a value, I should be able to get it back with .getValue() but obviously is not the case. I've tried to get it as a blob with no luck. I'm not too familiar with blobs so probably I did it wrong.
Any idea will be much appreciated :)
// This is the code I used to put the image in the cell (THIS WORKS, JUST FOR CONTEXT)
var fotosToCopy = cotizador.getRangeByName('CotizacionFotos');
SpreadsheetApp.CopyPasteType.PASTE_VALUES, true);
// This is the code I'm trying to get the image from the cell (NOT WORKING)
var fotosToCopy = origen.getRange(personajeRow,2).getValue(); //I've tried .getFormula() with no results; origen is the search range, personajeRow is the row to do the search and both work.
// This is what I'm using to put the image in the document
var doc = DocumentApp.openById(cotizacionId); // cotizacionId is working
var body = doc.getBody();
var foto = body.getImages(); // I'll replace the only existing image
var parent = foto[0].getParent();
parent.insertInlineImage(parent.getChildIndex(foto)+1, fotosToCopy[0]); //fotosToCopy[0] is the issue, it returns "undefined"
Ideally, the existing in-line-image in the document should be replaced by the image-in-cell from the spreadsheet. The error I get is: "Execution failed: Cannot convert Array to Element".
Any idea?