I use Angular & UI router and I need for one of my parent states's resolves to be lazy.
The reason for this is that I have a state called authenticated
that is inherited by a whole hierarchy of child states. I need the resolve called isAuthenticated
to be resolved lazily (i.e. each time a child of the authenticated
state is entered).
Here is my parent authenticated
.state('authenticated', {
abstract: true,
parent: 'root',
views: {
'header@': {
controller: 'NavbarCtrl',
templateUrl: 'app/navbar/views/navbar.view.html'
resolve: {
currentMember: ['domainService', function (domainService) {
return domainService.currentMember();
isAuthenticated: ['$rootScope', '$q', '$cookies', function ($rootScope, $q, $cookies) {
return ($rootScope.globals.authenticated && $cookies.globalsAuthenticated) || $q.reject({unAuthorized: true});
I want to do that so that I can redirect unauthenticated users to login page easily.
How can I have a lazy resolve using the current implementation of the UI router (0.2.15
P.S. I had a look at oc lazy load but is appears to be aimed at loading whole modules or files...