How to enum another process modules in Windows XP

2019-08-17 03:48发布


I already asked how to enum 32bit process modules from a 64bit process here. And the answer was EnumProcessModulesEx. All works fine on Windows 7 x64, but what about Windows XP x64? It seems that this api is supported on Vista and up. So what's the way to do it there?


CreateToolHelp32Snapshot will do it.


Probably something like this. Wrote it in notepad so might be wrong. But you get the idea.

HANDLE        hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, dwPID );
MODULEENTRY32 me32      = {0};

me32.dwSize = sizeof(MODULEENTRY32);
Module32First( hSnapshot, &me32 );

do {
} while( Module32Next( hSnapshot, &me32 ) );

CloseHandle( hSnapshot );