I'm a newbie OpenCV user. I'm just trying to learn something about it but I don't know where to start.
Unfortunately I can find a lots of tutorials about openCV but they doesn't work for me (sometime because of the old version they used).
So before really starting I'd like to see if the environment is working fine to avoid wasting time in the future. Here is an example I found:
#include <opencv\cv.h>
#include <opencv\highgui.h>
using namespace cv;
int main()
//create an image to store the video screen grab
Mat image;
//setup the video capture method using the default camera
VideoCapture cap;
//create the window that will show the video feed
namedWindow("VideoCaptureTutorial", 1);
//create a loop to update the image with video camera image capture
//grad a frame from the video camers
//show the image on the screen
imshow("VideoCaptureTutorial", image);
//create a 33ms delay
return 0;
I try to compile (Visual studio 2010) But I get something like 150-250 errors. I'm new to Visual Studio and I can't understand really well "him" and what he "doesn't like". I'm learning how to move inside the IDE but's its hard.
The errors refers to imgproc.hpp miniflann.hpp photo.hpp tracking.hpp and report a lot of undefined identifiers and syntax errors.
I have some experience in programming (C with Arduino, Java, Assembly) but I found the openCV documentation very confusing and confused. I'm self taught so any help about how to start would be appreciated, my goal is to implement Coputer vision (stereo if possible) into my 2WD robot.