I would like to detect signed PDFs in PHP and verify if the signature is valid. From this document I have written this PHP code below.
What it does is:
- Extract the PKCS7 code (it works because I can get the details from Openssl)
- Compute the SHA256 hash of the document.
At the end I has a PKCS7 file and a SHA256.
Now, I would like to verify my signature against my PKCS7 file. How can I do this? I initially looked to the digest_enc_alg
, but it seems it is not what I am looking about.
class VerifyPDF
public static function getByteRange($filename)
$content = file_get_contents($filename);
if (!preg_match_all('/ByteRange\[\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s*\]/',
$content, $matches))
throw new \Exception('Unable to get certificate');
return [
intval($matches[1][0]), // Offset of the first part (usually 0)
intval($matches[2][0]), // Size of the first part
intval($matches[3][0]), // Offset to the second part
intval($matches[4][0]) // Size of the second part
public static function get_pkcs7($filename)
[$o1, $l1, $o2, $l2] = self::getByteRange($filename);
if (!$fp = fopen($filename, 'rb')) {
throw new \Exception("Unable to open $filename");
$signature = stream_get_contents($fp, $o2 - $l1 - 2, $l1 + 1);
file_put_contents('out.pkcs7', hex2bin($signature));
public static function compute_hash($filename)
[$o1, $l1, $o2, $l2] = self::getByteRange($filename);
if (!$fp = fopen($filename, 'rb')) {
throw new \Exception("Unable to open $filename");
$i = stream_get_contents($fp, $l1, $o1);
$j = stream_get_contents($fp, $l2, $o2);
if (strlen($i) != $l1 || strlen($j) != $l2) {
throw new \Exception('Invalid chunks');
return hash('sha256', $i . $j);
The HASH I get is:
So inspired from this I did the following:
# Extract Digest (SHA256)
OFFSET=$(openssl asn1parse -inform der -in $PKCS7 | \
perl -ne 'print $1 + $2 if /(\d+):d=\d\s+hl=(\d).*?256 prim.*HEX DUMP/m')
dd if=$PKCS7 of=signed-sha256.bin bs=1 skip=$OFFSET count=256
# Extract Public key
openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -inform der -in $PKCS7 | \
tac | sed '/-----BEGIN/q' | tac > client.pem
openssl x509 -in client.pem -pubkey -noout > client.pub.pem
# Verify the signature
openssl rsautl -verify -pubin -inkey client.pub.pem < signed-sha256.bin > verified.bin
# Get Hash and compare with the computed hash from the PDF
openssl asn1parse -inform der -in verified.bin | grep -Po '\[HEX DUMP\]:\K\w+$' | tr A-F a-f
Which gives me this:
So unfortunately by two hashes do not match...
Am I missing something?