I'm trying to output multiple tags from an ec2 instances description. The tag values that I want are Name and aws:autoscaling:groupName.
"Tags": [
"Value": "somename",
"Key": "Name"
"Value": "some-asg-name",
"Key": "aws:autoscaling:groupName"
"Value": "somethingelse",
"Key": "project"
Here's what I have so far:
aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids i-12345678 --query 'Reservations[].Instances[].[Tags[? contains(`["aws:autoscaling:groupName","Name"]`, Key)] | [0].Value,[1].Value,InstanceId]' --output text
Which results in:
somename None i-12345678
Instead of:
somename some-asg-name i-12345678
I tried both double pipe ||
and contains
but can't get the output I need. Also, I'm not sure [1].Value
is the right way to get the 2nd matching tag.