I've got a PXSelector that selects several fields, the first one being a field whose value may be repeated (as follows):
Field1 Field2 Field3
1234 LL description1
1234 PS description2
1234 CC description3
4321 BB description4
PXSelector code:
,DescriptionField = typeof(myTable.field3))]
The DAC for the selected table has Field1 and Field2 as keys.
If I select row two or three above, I'll get the row one's Field3 description every time. Is there a way to ensure that I only get the description of the row that I've selected, instead of always getting the first occurrence?
You have to make the selector operate on a single key because the selected value is the key field not the whole DAC record.
One possible approach is to add a unique record number column to the database table, make the selector operate on that column and set a different 'TextField' property for the selector so it doesn't show the record number.
Here's how I did it to make a selector on SerialNumber/InventoryItem which is not a unique value (contains duplicate).
Database scripts will vary with database systems. I'm using this script for MSSQL to add the unique record number to the table:
--[mysql: Skip]
--[IfNotExists(Column = SOShipLineSplit.UsrUniqueID)]
alter table SOShipLineSplit add UsrUniqueID int identity(1,1)
This is the DAC declaration. I use PXDBIdentity to match the DB identity field type that tag the column as a record number field:
public class SOShipLineSplit_Extension : PXCacheExtension<SOShipLineSplit>
#region UsrUniqueID
public abstract class usrUniqueID : IBqlField { }
[PXDBIdentity(IsKey = false)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "ID")]
public virtual int? UsrUniqueID { get; set; }
I use another DAC field for the selector which uses this unique id key and I set the description to the real field I want to appear in the selector:
#region SerialUniqueID
public abstract class serialUniqueID : IBqlField { }
InnerJoin<SOShipment, On<SOShipment.customerID, Equal<Current<customerID>>,
And<SOShipment.shipmentNbr, Equal<SOShipLineSplit.shipmentNbr>>>,
InnerJoin<InventoryItem, On<InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal<SOShipLineSplit.inventoryID>>>>,
Where<SOShipLineSplit.lotSerialNbr, NotEqual<StringEmpty>>,
CacheGlobal = true,
DescriptionField = typeof(SOShipLineSplit.lotSerialNbr))]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Serial Number")]
public virtual int? SerialUniqueID { get; set; }
For this selector I want to display LotSerialNbr in the textbox instead of the unique id. Because the selector displays it's key by default I need to use the TextField property:
<px:PXSelector ID="edSerialUniqueID"
The selector value will contain the selected unique id field. To get the record you can issue another request to the database using that key.