How connect to database to extract data and write

2019-08-17 00:16发布


I have to connect oracle database to extract data and write into pandas data frame.

All I have available with me is Hostname , Port, Service Name

import cx_Oracle
Hostname = 'XX.XX.X.XXX'
port = 1521
Service_Name = ''
dsn_tns = cx_Oracle.makedsn(Hostname, port, Service_Name)

connection = cx_Oracle.connect('BA', 'PASSWORD', dsn_tns)

Its not working.How to fix this


You can use cx_Oracle.connect method as

dsn_tns = cx_Oracle.connect(username+"/"+password+"@"+ Hostname+":"+port+"/"+Service_Name)
cursor = dsn_tns.cursor()

and then retrieve data through cursor.execute()