How do I ensure that when the user replies to the question:
"Are you wanting a happy, sad, angry or confident song?"
with "Angry", that the agent takes the user back to the "angry" intent (it's grandparent's brother) and not the default welcome intent?
Here is my layout:
DefaultWelcomeIntent-->-Happy-->-Happy-noIncorrectEmotion (back to DefaultWelcomeIntent)
The user replies "happy" to the original "how are you feeling?" question
|_____The user replies "no" to the emotion checker intent (saying "I have
detected that you are "feeling happy, is this correct?"
|_____The user replies that they are angry to the follow up of this
which asks "Are you wanting a happy, sad, angry or confident
Actual response: goes back to default welcome intent Intended response: goes to Angry intent
Intended response: goes to Angry intent
I have set the output contexts to be going to angry, sad and confident (although I don't think this does much)
I have also tried changing the intended intent on the Training tab of dialogflow, but this does not do anything either...
Here is the dialog between the user and agent: