I have an activity which has a fragment. Inside that fragment, there are 5 fragmnets inside ViewPager. Each fragment has either more than 30 input fields including EditTexts, custom Dropdowns and Date Pickers or nested ViewPagers with fragments having same amount of input fields. The problem is; when user taps on any EditText to input data, soft keyboard gets visible and when it is completely visible, the app freezes for around 2 seconds. When user presses back button to hide soft keyboard, keyboard gets off from screen and screen area which is underneath soft keyboard becomes white and app freezes again for same amount of time. This happens every time. Here is activity configuration from manifest:
android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan|adjustResize" />
I have tried different combinations for android:windowSoftInputMode
nothing worked. Although this does not happen in other activities with same manifest configuration and with less number of fields. With so many input fields, its very annoying for user that app freezes after inputting data in textfields. Can anyone suggest me workaround for this?