I am using the Nuget package Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Vision.CustomVision.Prediction
I have created a Custom Vision application in the Custom Vision portal and obtained API keys and a project ID.
Whenever I try to make a request to the API, I always get the following exception thrown:
HttpOperationException: Operation returned an invalid status code 'NotFound'
Here is my code:
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
CustomVisionPredictionClient customVisionPredictionClient = new CustomVisionPredictionClient(httpClient, false)
ApiKey = PredictionKey,
Endpoint = PredictionEndpoint,
var result = customVisionPredictionClient.PredictImageAsync(CUSTOM_VISION_PROJECT_GUID, imageData);
I have tried several different endpoints:
https://southcentralus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/customvision/v2.0/Prediction https://southcentralus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/customvision/Prediction/v1.0 https://southcentralus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/customvision/v1.1/Prediction
though on the portal the listed one is the first of the list. I have also succesfuly exported my app on Azure, which gives me the second endpoint in the list but with no more success.
I have also set a default iteration as suggested in a similar issue that I found ( CustomVision: Operation returned an invalid status code: 'NotFound' ).
I have tried this sample https://github.com/Microsoft/Cognitive-CustomVision-Windows/tree/master/Samples/CustomVision.Sample which uses a deprecated windows client, to at least ensure my project information are correct and I was able to access the API.
Any insight would be appreciated