如何导出CSV产品与产品的完整URL(How to export product csv with

2019-08-16 22:55发布



Answer 1:


// Load the Magento core

require_once 'app/Mage.php';
$userModel = Mage::getModel('admin/user');

// Load the product collection

$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')
 ->addAttributeToSelect('*') //Select everything from the table
 ->addUrlRewrite(); //Generate nice URLs

 For this example I am generating a CSV file,
 but you can change this to suit your needs.

echo "title,sku,id,url\n" ."<br>";

foreach($collection as $product) {
 //Load the product categories
 $categories = $product->getCategoryIds();
 //Select the last category in the list
 $categoryId = end($categories);
 //Load that category
 $category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($categoryId);

 echo '"'.$product->getTitle().'","'.
  //This will the proper URL, the base url is optional, though make sure you remove the trailing export.php (or whatever you name this file)
  "\n" ."<br>";


Answer 2:

Create export.csv on root ..write a code to export csv the new thing is that you have to hardcode base url in the path of the product..

for example ..existing path category/product/

base url/category/product/

But remember to keep the code correct..

文章来源: How to export product csv with full url of product