I'm new here so bare in mind that and I hope my questions are clearly asked for you lot to help me out. I am trying to alter Brent Tylers Dropbox script so that I will be able to list Python under Python, Mel under Mel and so on(eventually plugins and other files too but not for now)
Ok so my directory is like so:
sf=C:/users/scripts/ a.py + b.mel
(These are the folders my scripts will be placed in)
Code :
absoluteFiles = []
relativeFiles = []
folders = []
allFiles = []
currentFile = ''
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sf):
for x in files:
correct = root.replace('\\', '/')
currentFile = (correct + '/' + x)
if currentFile.endswith('.mel'):
relativeFiles.append(currentFile.replace((mf + '/'), ""))
if currentFile.endswith('.py'):
relativeFiles.append(currentFile.replace((pf + '/'), ""))
for relativeFile in relativeFiles:
split = relativeFile.split('/')
fileName = split[-1].split('.')
while i<(len(split)):
### Create Folders ###
if i==0 and len(split) != 1:
if cmds.menu(split[i] ,ex=1) == 0:
cmds.menuItem(split[i], p=PadraigsTools, bld=1, sm=1, to=1, l=split[i])
if i > 0 and i < (len(split)-1):
if cmds.menu(split[i] ,ex=1) == 0:
cmds.menuItem(split[i], p=split[i-1], bld=1, sm=1, to=1, l=split[i])
### Create .mel Files ###
if fileName[-1] == 'mel':
if i==len(split)-1 and len(split) > 1:
scriptName = split[-1].split('.')
temp1 = 'source ' + '"' + sf + '/' + relativeFile + '"; ' + scriptName[0]
command = '''mel.eval(''' + "'" + temp1 + '''')'''
cmds.menuItem(split[i], p=split[i-1], c=command, l=split[i])
if i==len(split)-1 and len(split) == 1:
scriptName = split[-1].split('.')
temp1 = 'source ' + '"' + sf + '/' + relativeFile + '"; ' + scriptName[0]
command = '''mel.eval(''' + "'" + temp1 + '''')'''
cmds.menuItem(split[i], p=Mel, c=command, l=split[i])
### Create .py Files ###
if fileName[-1] == 'py':
if i==len(split)-1 and len(split) > 1:
command = 'import ' + fileName[0] + '\n' + fileName[0] + '.' + fileName[0]+ '()'
cmds.menuItem(split[i], p=split[i-1], c=command, l=split[i])
if i==len(split)-1 and len(split) == 1:
command = 'import ' + fileName[0] + '\n' + fileName[0] + '.' + fileName[0]+ '()'
cmds.menuItem(split[i], p=Python, c=command, l=split[i])
So far I can print out individually (sf, pf, mf) to the corresponding Directory but I cant list out everything at once and the files under sf will not show at all. regarding the folders created it ends up very odd. sometimes i would get a duplicate folder as a submenu and if i use sf it give me C:/.
After days and hours of research trying to mend this script I have found no answer including
from itertools import chain
paths = (mf, sf, pf)
for path, dirs, files in chain.from_iterable(os.walk(path) for path in paths):
::QUESTION:: Is there a way i can put this together sanely so that new folders will show up with their contents on refresh as a submenu and the files will show up and allow me to execute them from their corresponding submenu.
I would appreciate any help possible including down votes haha. And bare in mind I don't want you to hand me the answer on a golden spoon because I wont know what is corrected or needs to be :)
Thanks Greatly -- Padraig