是否有可能访问当前正在执行的测试的名称,从ScalaTest测试中? (和我将如何做呢?)
如果用户如创建页面太多。 这些测试需要相当长的运行。 为了更快乐,我想打印的进展到标准输出 - 而且由于有相当多的测试,我想在输出中包含测试的名字,所以我知道什么是测试当前正在运行。
(我没有在这里找到任何看似相关的功能: http://www.artima.com/docs-scalatest-2.0.M5/#org.scalatest.FreeSpec )
"QuotaCharger can" - {
"charge and decline quota consumers" - {
"charge a per site IP number (guest user)" in {
// ... Here, a guest user post very many comments until it's over quota.
// This takes a little while, and there are many similar tests.
// ---> Here <--- I'd like to access the string:
// "charge a per site IP number (guest user)",
// is that possible somehow?
预期的方式做到这一点是重写withFixture并捕获的测试数据。 在这种使用情况下,这是更好地覆盖在withFixture这样fixture.FreeSpec您可以通过测试数据为每个测试,而不是使用VAR。 在该信息是在这里:
当我今天早上看到你的问题,我意识到ScalaTest应该有一个特点,做这一点,所以我只是增加了一个。 这将是2.0.M6,下一个里程碑版本,但在此期间,您可以使用一个本地副本。 这里是:
import org.scalatest._
* Trait that when mixed into a <code>fixture.Suite</code> passes the
* <code>TestData</code> passed to <code>withFixture</code> as a fixture into each test.
* @author Bill Venners
trait TestDataFixture { this: fixture.Suite =>
* The type of the fixture, which is <code>TestData</code>.
type FixtureParam = TestData
* Invoke the test function, passing to the the test function to itself, because
* in addition to being the test function, it is the <code>TestData</code> for the test.
* <p>
* To enable stacking of traits that define <code>withFixture(NoArgTest)</code>, this method does not
* invoke the test function directly. Instead, it delegates responsibility for invoking the test function
* to <code>withFixture(NoArgTest)</code>.
* </p>
* @param test the <code>OneArgTest</code> to invoke, passing in the
* <code>TestData</code> fixture
def withFixture(test: OneArgTest) {
import org.scalatest._
class MySpec extends fixture.FreeSpec with TestDataFixture {
"this technique" - {
"should work" in { td =>
assert(td.name == "this technique should work")
"should be easy" in { td =>
assert(td.name == "this technique should be easy")
trait RichFreeSpec extends Free {
protected final class RichFreeSpecStringWrapper(name: scala.Predef.String) {
def in(f: String => scala.Unit) {
def f2 = f(name)
new WordSpecStringWrapper(string).in(f2)
protected implicit def convertToRichFreeSpecStringWrapper(n: scala.Predef.String): = {
new RichFreeSpecStringWrapper(n)
"sth" in { testName =>
这里有一个解决方案。 扩展此类,而不是FreeSpec。 许可: CC0 。
(哎呀,你需要使用getOrElse ...
* Adds a field `currentTestName` that you can use inside a FreeSpec test,
* if you for example have many tests that take rather long, and you wonder
* which one is currently running.
trait RichFreeSpec extends FreeSpec {
private var _currentTestName: Option[String] = None
def currentTestName = _currentTestName getOrDie "DwE90RXP2"
protected override def runTest(testName: String, args: org.scalatest.Args) {
_currentTestName = Some(testName)
super.runTest(testName, args)